I’m Jamie. As you may be able to tell from some of the images below, for better or worse i’ve ‘evolved' over the years.

After college, where I studied Political Science at the University of Vermont, I thought I wanted to be a lawyer. I also wanted to travel the world; climb Everest; learn to play ‘Hot for Teacher’ on guitar; own my own business; play tennis at Wimbledon; write and direct a film as good as ‘The Sting’; you get the idea. I wanted to do everything.

I set off and traveled as much as I could afford to. When I got back to the States I worked for and eventually bought a small construction business. Eventually I took a year sabbatical in Dublin where I managed a bar - I even got to play guitar with a few of the bands I booked to perform.* I also managed to fit in a mountaineering course in the North Cascades in Washington, and spent enough time rock climbing to really scare myself a few times.

But it was after I moved to NYC and did a filmmaking course that I started to find my feet. I was writing scripts, shooting color reversal film on an old WWII-era Arriflex, and editing my own films. I loved every step of the process, and after working as a PA on film/music video/commercial sets around the city I was given an opportunity in a production department at an ad agency.

I’m a good producer because I love it. Creative calls, meetings with directors, traveling to shoots in strange new places, arguing about edits, late nights making client revisions, all of it. I have a strong creative POV, will tell you what I think, and run a tight ship without being a dick about it. But more than anything I love what I do.

*I never was able to get all the way through the intro to ‘Hot For Teacher’ but I can fake my way through ‘Panama.’